Since our inception in 1937, 番茄社区官网 has developed a reputation of conducting business in an ethically, socially, economically, and environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to having a positive impact on the communities in which our people work, live and on those which we interact with on a daily basis. We are also dedicated to diversity and inclusion of these communities into our workforce. 番茄社区官网 will ensure the health and safety of our employees, stakeholders and those served by the projects that we undertake.

Executive Commitment

鈥淎s a leader in the construction industry and as a socially responsible Corporation, we are committed to conducting our operations in a fair, ethical and socially responsible manner. This means doing the right thing, at the right time, with the right resources. 番茄社区官网 is further committed to Sustainability and will operate on the basis that we have the responsibility to balance economic interests with those of the environment as well as those representing the interests of the communities in which we live. We will also seek opportunities to advance the principals of Sustainability as we work with owners, communities and professional organizations.鈥

Mike Choutka, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


番茄社区官网 believes that it has a corporate responsibility to minimize its carbon footprint and impact on the environment. Since 1990, the company has maintained a recycling program at all locations and provides waste material sorting areas on projects.

Many of the workspaces where our employees conduct business are Platinum, Gold and Silver Certified by USGBC and provided environments where colleagues and partners can realize the benefits of Green technology in the workplace.

番茄社区官网 has over 300 LEED APs and LEED Green Associates.

Hybrid Vehicle Fleet: Commencing in 2006, 番茄社区官网 introduced hybrid passenger vehicles to the Company fleet. 番茄社区官网 has provided charging stations at various company offices and locations.

番茄社区官网 has grown the percentage of hybrid passenger vehicles to 40% of their fleet.

Improving How We Plan. Build. Manage. Business

番茄社区官网 is an active supporter of the LEED Green Building movement, maintaining active memberships in various sustainable organizations including the U.S. Green Building Council. Our environmental initiatives are incorporated into everything we do. As a developer, builder and facility operator, our sustainable objectives consist of three important commitments: 1) support client goals; 2) eliminate waste, and 3) acting responsibly.

Supporting Client Goals: The majority of our projects have some level of sustainability incorporated. We realized early on there was great benefit in having our Sustainable Services Personnel involved in the project design and planning phases. 番茄社区官网 has developed processes and procedures to aid our clients in creating the right sustainability plan for their project. Even if a project is not pursuing a sustainable certification, we bring these proven processes to the design, construction and operations process, to proactively maximize a project鈥檚 value to our clients.

Training Initiatives: 番茄社区官网 is committed to training our employees and supporting their continued education to achieve and maintain LEED Accreditation. Having detailed knowledge about current green building rating system empowers our associates to make day-to-day decisions that accurately balance sustainability, cost, and constructability on the jobsites.

Performance Measurements

  • Safety
    One of the safest contractors in the nation, 番茄社区官网 takes pride in both our safety program and the award-winning results. Our Experience Modification Rate (EMR), the construction industries鈥 safety measurement benchmark, has shown consistent year over year improvement, and is half of the industry average for a self-performing general contractor.


  • Environmental


    • GHG Carbon Emissions 鈥 The following chart depicts 番茄社区官网’ carbon dioxide emissions over the past 10 years. During this time, we have introduced many hybrid vehicles to our passenger vehicle and utility truck fleet. Each year, our vehicle fleet has grown as we have continued to expand our business across the United States.

    Total Number/Volume of Spills 鈥 番茄社区官网 had no significant oil, fuel, waste or chemical spills in 2021.

  • 鈥婬uman Rights (past five years)
    番茄社区官网 Received Zero Complaints Related to Human Rights Violations.